About Northern Colorado Confraternity of Christian Mothers


The fundamental aim of [ the Confraternity is that] Christian Mothers learn to unite their own hearts to Christ so that they can help to draw their families closer to the Lord. In that way they become the leaven which makes their own parish and community more alive with the presence of the risen Lord. 


Enrollment in the Confraternity endows a woman with all the spiritual benefits of the CCM, which include a share in all the prayers and Masses offered for the members, and access to special plenary and partial indulgences available to Christian Mothers. 

Plenary Indulgences

              1. On the day of solemn reception.
              2. On the feasts of:
                a) Holy Family – Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity
                b) Annunciation – March 25
                c) Queenship of Mary – August 22
                d) Our Lady of Sorrows – September 15 
                e) St. Gerard Majella – October 16
                f) Christ the King – Last Sunday after Pentecost
                g) St. Elizabeth – Mother of St. John the Baptist – November 5

Partial Indulgences

              1. On four days appointed by the Director.
                Conditions: Prayer according to the intentions of the Holy Father.
              2. As often as members are present at the Conference and lectures.
              3. For the recitation with a contrite heart of the Christian Mother’s
                Daily Prayer for the Children.
              4. For every good work performed according to the object and rules of
                the Confraternity or in its behalf.


With these benefits come certain duties that a Christian Mother ought to perform to the best of her abilities, though they do not bind under pain of sin. These include:

              1. “Enkindling the fire of the love of Jesus Christ, first in her own heart, and then in the hearts of her husband, children and neighbors.”
              2. She must be “solicitous to educate her children according to the principles of the Gospel”
              3. She undertakes to recite the Daily Prayer to the Patrons of the Confraternity (see handbook – takes less than a minute)
              4. Members cherish a special love for one another and offer Holy Communion for associates monthly when possible.
              5. When feasible, assemble several times per year, or monthly, for a conference/talk, to pray together and sanctify themselves together and discuss family issues together.
              6. Members attend Holy Mass and receive Holy Communion together twice per year (usually on the anniversary of enrollment and another day)
              7. When a member dies, other members immediately pray for her and attend the funeral if possible.
              8. Pay annual dues of $15 per year, which is used to cover the cost of Masses for the members and deceased members, and to help defray administrative and printing costs at the National Office. (Please let us know if you are unable to contribute.  Everyone is welcome and no one will be turned away for not contributing dues.)

The Confraternity seeks to support and strengthen the motherhood of us all, regardless of whether our children are young or old. Women without children may also join.